Category: Farm & Forest Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

NYS Climate Resilient Farming Program

The New York State Climate Resilient Farming (CRF) Grant Program provides cost‐share assistance to farmers to reduce GHG emissions and Read more »

USDA COMET-Planner Tool

Access a digital carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation evaluation tool specific to conservation practices implemented through USDA’s Natural Resources Read more »

NYS Draft Scoping Plan: Agriculture & Forestry

The NYS Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) was signed into law in 2019 as one of the Read more »

Cornell's Natural & Working Lands Website

Cornell’s Natural and Working Lands website provides tools, training webinars, videos, factsheets, and other resources to help manage land resources Read more »

Forest Management & GHG Mitigation

  Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Forests act as a carbon sink, meaning they take Read more »

Soil Carbon Management Opportunities

Management of soil carbon can increase the amount of carbon in soil organic matter, which reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) in Read more »

Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Opportunities

Nitrogen fertilizer is critical for crop production, but applying too much at an inopportune time reduces profitability and increases environmental Read more »

Energy Efficiency & Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Fossil fuel combustion in the agricultural sector is a significant contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, which accelerate the impacts of Read more »

Methane Capture from Liquid Dairy Manure Storage

Liquid manure storage is a commonly implemented and recognized Best Management Practice (BMP) for addressing water quality concerns. However, liquid Read more »

Dairy Manure Storage & GHG Mitigation

Due to increasing farm size and water quality requirements, more farms are storing manure in order to apply valuable nutrients Read more »

Farm & Forest Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Opportunities

Climate change, caused in part by increased emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere,  is an important issue that Read more »


COMET-Farm is a whole farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system. The tool guides you through describing your farm Read more »