Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA)
NEWA,, gives end users free access to 40 IPM, crop management, and degree day tools driven by weather data from weather stations primarily located on farms. Find them on the main menu under Weather Data, Pest Forecasts, and Crop Management. Created in 1995, NEWA has over 400 weather stations in 11 partner states with individual growers connecting in from five other states in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and North Central regions of the US.
In a 2007 survey, apple, grape, onion and potato growers in NY using NEWA reported that they can save, on average, $19,500 per year in spray costs and prevent, on average, $264,000 per year in crop loss as a direct result of using NEWA pest forecast tools. 99% of NEWA end users would recommend NEWA to growers. The number of weather station locations has jumped since 2007 from 48 to 388 in April 2016; over 80 more will be added to our network in 2016 through our partnership with Michigan State University’s Enviro-Weather.
Developer: NYS IPM Program at Cornell University
Cost: Free
Time Investment: Not Applicable