The Cornell Climate Smart Farming Program is pleased to host five winter webinars for farmers, Extension specialists, and agriculture consultants. Registration is required, but events are free and open to the public. Please join us! If you missed one of the programs, contact the host listed in the description for links to view recorded session. Implications of Large Solar Installations and Leasing on Farmland Friday, February 12, 2021, 12:00-1:00pm Speakers: David Kay (Cornell) & Matt Johnson (NYS Tug Hill Commission) Utility-scale solar projects have been expanding in NY recently due to the need for additional energy development, changing technology, and
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The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture and students from Cornell University will present the results of a GACSA member survey, on “Scaling-Up Climate-Smart Agriculture Globally through GACSA“, in a Live Webinar Discussion. Learn about the results of a Cornell survey of GACSA members that analyzed climate change impacts to agriculture, the challenges and barriers facing farmers globally, and the need for knowledge sharing and improvements to the enabling environment and investments for CSA. GACSA is an inclusive, voluntary, and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Cornell is a member of GACSA and co-facilitates the Knowledge
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By Blaine Friedlander | August 3, 2020 Art DeGaetano, professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, is one of nine scientists who have co-authored a report to help the nation’s farmers, producers and commercial agricultural managers reduce risk in the face of climate change. “We present a foundational report on how to keep the pulse on climate change in agriculture, what climate change indicators to watch, and how the indicators may change,” said DeGaetano, who is also a fellow in the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability. The report, “Climate Indicators for Agriculture,” was released July 29 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
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CICSS Director Allison Chatrchyan co-authored a recently published paper titled “Climate Change and Dairy in New York and Wisconsin: Risk Perceptions, Vulnerability, and Adaptation among Farmers and Advisors.” The research presented explores how dairy farmers and their advisors are interpreting and responding to climate impacts, risks, and opportunities. It was found that dairy farmers articulated climate impact concerns, but business pressures were often the more critical issues that affected their decision making. Personal experiences with extreme weather and seasonal changes also had an impact on their choices. The paper can be found here:
The CICSS Team will be showcasing an updated and improved Version 2.0 of the CSF Grape Hardiness and Freeze Risk Tool on January 4th at the 2018 NYS Ag Society Forum. The new version of the tool includes updated 2018 weather and forecast data, and a faster graphical output to improve the users’ experience with the tool. The Northeast is currently experiencing an extreme cold snap, and the tool is predicting temperatures that could damage grapes and other perennial crops in parts of the Northeast region. Armed with more precise forecast information related to their crops, farmers can put in
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A team of researchers from the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions and CALS International Programs, including Drs. Allison Chatrchyan, Danielle Eiseman, and Maricelis Acevedo presented a Cornell research update at an official Press conference at COP 23 in Bonn, Germany on November 9, 2017. Chatrchyan and Eiseman presented on the “Cornell Climate Smart Farming Program, Website and Decision support tools for farmers,” including announcing the launch of the new CSF winter cover crop timing tool. Acevedo presented on “Delivering Genetic Gain in Wheat Project & Possibilities for Climate Resilient Agriculture Programs.” For more on Cornell’s Delegation to COP, see Cornell COP
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The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), announced on Wednesday nine grants, with a total of over $8 million dollars. These grants were awarded to research centers focused on the study and development of new approaches to the agricultural sector. Among these awardees is the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions Climate Smart Farming program.
The Cornell Chronicle reported on the recent case study on Cornell’s Climate Smart Farming program. The article highlights the UN’s overall effort to examine regional programs that support farmers adapt to climate change. Programs such as the Climate Smart Farming program support the UN’s goal to ensure global food security.
Read the second Drought Newsletter from Cornell’s Emergent Climate Risk Lab (ECRL) headed up by Dr. Toby R. Ault. This is the second issue in this newsletter series and highlights include an overview of current drought conditions in the Northeastern United States, predicted changes in drought conditions and an introduction to the CICSS and ECRL newly launched drought visualization tool.
Together with the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA), Cornell’s Climate Smart Farming Program created a case study highlighting the resources, training and decision support tools for farmers in the Northeastern United States. The present case study explores a new research and extension outreach program that is providing these support tools for farmers in the NE USA. The program is built on trusted two-way feedback between researchers, extension staff and farmers.
On June 26th, our Director Allison Chatrchyan and Research Assistant Jake Pero went to Batavia, NY for Extension Specialist Darcy Telenko’s fresh market vegetable field day event. On top of learning about new strategies for weed management, farmers heard about resources for climate mitigation and adaptation available through CSF. Our team set up a table to teach farmers about climate smart practices, and Allison spoke to inform attendees about our Climate Smart Farming Decision Tools. Thanks to our Cornell Cooperative Extension offices across the state, we can share information and strategies that keep farmers profitable, resilient, and sustainable in a shifting climate.
Cornell CSF and the Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) led a joint webinar hosted by the USDA Northeast Climate Hub on Thursday, May 4th to educate extension professionals, government employees, and other stakeholders on their agricultural decision tools for the Northeast. View this informative webinar at the Conservation Webinar Portal.